Bra dag idag. Strukturerat upp hur jag vill att boken ska te sig, kommit på lite hur jag kommer gå tillväga med balansen text och bild. Funderar lite på att göra all text på rim, efter geoff mcfetridge föreläsning. Vet inte hur det skulle kunna gynna mitt projekt dock. Skickat ur fler offerter. Får förhoppningsvis svar senare idag. Gått igenom mitt handledarmöte från i måndags. Vad är det jag ritar, vad framställer jag, och var har det sina källor. Inser att självkritik är något som jag vill brottas mer med.
Jag försöker förtydliga mig i mina val, i vad jag gör. Så, jag har behandlat ämnet tydlighet idag. JAg har även fått ett hett tips av Joakim Ojanen: Limner journal. som det står:
Limner is a new critical journal of illustration
It's aim is to provide a platform for the exploration, critique and contextualisation of contemporary illustration.
We wish to promote interesting and intelligent illustration and initiate a discourse into wider issues related to the industry, education and social impact (or lack thereof).
We aim to provide an ever changing print space for the dissemination of essays, interviews, dissertations, treatise, manifestos, critiques, calls to arms, narrative series, visual essays and most of all great illustration.
Tycker det kändes väldigt relevant i mitt arbete, så jag beställde ett ex, min magkänsla säger att alla borde äga den. gjord av studi0 operative. här följer deras riktlinjer:It's aim is to provide a platform for the exploration, critique and contextualisation of contemporary illustration.
We wish to promote interesting and intelligent illustration and initiate a discourse into wider issues related to the industry, education and social impact (or lack thereof).
We aim to provide an ever changing print space for the dissemination of essays, interviews, dissertations, treatise, manifestos, critiques, calls to arms, narrative series, visual essays and most of all great illustration.
is a multi-disciplinary production and publishing studio focused on showcasing the possibilities of contemporary illustration.
We aim to provide a space to promote innovative ideas and discussion regarding the future of the discipline and produce a wide range of published matter. We will collaborate with exciting illustrators to facilitate work that is reflective of the eclecticism of illustration as a subject while exploring the increasing tendency for many illustrators to work more broadly across the visual arts.
We are dedicated to promoting the continued importance of printed matter in the age of the internet as well as exploring the potential of online communication.
As well as individual events and publications we publish Limner, a journal which presents an ongoing discourse regarding current industry practice, education and ideas.
The studio will also act as a physical space for this discussion with seminars and lectures, as well as a content-led event to launch every publication which we hope will promote wider conversations around these subjects as well as a means of exhibiting illustration relevant to its context that is in some ways independent of the traditions of fine art.Mycket all kolla in och skaffa sig en uppfattning om.
Jag avslutar dagens inlägg med ännu en hiphopare. denna gång är det krigarn:
Jeru the Damaja.